“What do you think she is up to now ? All very mysterious, calling us over to her place but then not being here ? ” Marci, the eldest of the triplets – by 11 minutes – asked Amy, who shook her head, not from a reluctance to answer her sister, just from sheer awe at the question. ” With Lynn .. who would dare guess.” The three honey-blonde triplets had mimicked the identical-patterns of twins for their teen years, in looks, tastes and deed, but as they entered their ‘twenties’ there was increasing signs of divergence. Lynn was, undoubtedly, always the madcap of the three – but now ! ” How do you think her blind date went ?” Amy giggled. Marci grinned back, joint conspirators in their sister’s love life, which they firmly believed, needed their help. Amy slipped off her top and stood in self-critical appraisal in front of Lynn’s huge mirror. She pursed her lips and, with a deep breath, inflated her generous bosom. “Mmmm not bad !” Marci was impressed, and quickly shrugged off her shirt to preen with her sister. Their hair tumbled in it’s honey tones around their bared shoulders as, giggling and sharing, they posed in varied seriousness, their reflections merging then clearing. The door opened – they did not hear Lynn enter, as they giggled still. Then something made them turn, suddenly, startled and shocked … perhaps a small noise, a glimpse of a third reflection in the huge mirror … or that secret sense of being whole they had, of their third-part joining them . A click as their sister hit the switch for the bank of overhead spotlights above the mirror, the harsh white light freezing Amy and Marci, impaling them in its glare. Then Lynn stepped into the light’s outer edge and the girls gasped, Marci’s hand flying to her mouth. ” Guess what the ‘blind date’ you two set me up with did as a hobby?” Lynn stood furious and pale ….. a spotlight emphasizing her shiny, completely bald head!. “What happened, I mean how, I mean…” Marcy stammered, something she never did. She was basically speechless. “Did he, I mean, how did you let him do this to you?” The furious face quickly turned into tears, and Lynn had a hard time telling what happened, weeping and blowing her nose in between sentences. “We met at this bar, as you told me, and he recognized me by the red ribbon in my hair…” she cried louder as she realized she used the word ‘hair’… “He was really nice. We had a drink, and then went to that new diner on route 56. There was something about him, about his voice, that was so comforting, so calming. I felt very much at ease, and when we got to his place afterwards I felt right at home.” Lynn was not making this up, that was for sure. Had this guy not really made her feel at ease as much as she told us, she would never have gone to his place. Marci might; Amy would surely have, but Lynn, crazy as she was, knew exactly how to limit the typical boy’s desire to jump into bed on the first date, and she always managed to get away with it without losing the new boyfriend too. This guy must really have had something special to make Lynn go to his place with him. “He had me lay down on the couch, and talked me into letting him hypnotize me. He told me it was perfectly safe. And I guess the way he had been talking all the time already took me half the way because he only needed a few more words to have me deep under. It was really strange. He had complete control over my mind. He poured me what he called a glass of wine. And although it clearly said ‘Coke’ on the bottle, I was convinced it tasted like wine. Then he made me get uncomfortably hot, so I undressed to cool down a bit. He complimented me on my blonde bush, and asked me about it, and I told him how proud I was to have blonde pubic hair. The he showed me some black hairs, and he suggested to cut them off, to leave only blonde hairs. I knew I only had blonde pubic hair, and yet, I was convinced I was seeing black hairs too. So he started to cut off the black hairs, which didn’t exist, and as he showed them to me after he cut them, and made me confirm that they were indeed black, something inside me said they were blonde, but what I said out loud was that they were black. After he cut off all my pubic hair, I let him shave off the black stubble, and after that I saw a completely blonde bush. But there was none…,look, there was no hair left, and yet I kept seeing it.” While Lynn was telling this, she had unbuttoned her dress, and opened it to show her hairless pussy to Marci and Amy. Normally, Marci and Amy would have been shocked at this sight, because all three were very proud of their blonde bush, and would never voluntarily give it up. But the sight of Lynn’s bald head was so much more overwhelming… “He made the heat go away, and so I put on my dress again. Then he sat me down on a chair. He complimented me on my hair, and started brushing it. First he brushed from front to back, then he started brushing from my neck upwards. It felt good. I felt so relaxed. He had me talk about how relaxed I felt, and how good it felt to have my hair brushed. Then he changed to another device, which he called an electric brush. I recognized the device somehow, but his voice was so convincing, that I accepted this was an electric brush. He turned the clippers on, cause that’s what it was though my mind was not capable of realizing it. The vibration of the clippers against my neck felt good, so much better than the normal hairbrush. I was asked to tell him how good it felt. He ‘brushed’ my hair, from the neck upwards, with the electric brush, and then from front to back, while I was constantly talking about how good it felt. He had me close my eyes before he started with the clippers, so I didn’t notice what was happening. Then he said he was going to shampoo my hair, and put some kind of foam all over my head. He massaged the foam, which was really shaving cream, into my head, just like if he were washing my hair. Then he presented another strange brush, which was really a straight razor. He wiped the foam off my head with that brush. All the time I did not realize at all what was happening. He put me asleep, and when I woke up I felt a very strong urge to pee. So he told me where the bathroom was, and also told me that it was all over. I tried to remember things but everything was still very vague, and I couldn’t concentrate yet, because I had to pee. I pulled up my dress as I sat down, I noticed I was not wearing any panties anymore. Then I saw my shaved pussy, and started getting mad. But I had to pee first, so I could not rush out and start screaming at him. While I sat on the toilet I noticed that my hair wasn’t falling forward as usual. So I felt my head, and then I was really mad. I ran out of the bathroom, screaming, yelling and I started hitting him all over. I don’t know how long I kept screaming and slapping him before I simply ran out the door. I cried all the way home. I don’t know if people were staring at me. They must have. I was still in a daze; I wanted to wake up, to find it to be just a terrible dream…”
By the end of her story, Lynn was sitting on the bed, almost curled up, crying. Marcy and Amy tried to comfort her, but there really wasn’t anything they could do. They told her over and over how sorry they were, and how they would make it up to her, how they would support her. It took Lynn another 10 minutes or so to calm down a bit. She was a mess, all sweaty, a tear covered face, hot, still shaking. Finally, Lynn managed to stand up, and walked back to the door to get a bag she had put down. (So that was the faint noise that alerted the girls when Lynn entered the room.) From the bag she retrieved…a set of clippers. “Oh no! Never! Look, we’re sorry, we’ll make it up to you somehow, but we’re not letting you cut our hair too, never!” Marcy took the lead, defending both Amy and herself. “Look, we’ll buy you a wig, identical to our hair. Nobody will know the difference…” But Lynn was determined. “You two got me into this mess! We have always been identical, and we will remain so, whether you want it or not. You can either cooperate now or else have it done when you’re not expecting it. In your sleep maybe. Or maybe in public. Anywhere! There’s no way you can protect your hair day and night. It has to go, so you might just as well let it go here and now, and your pubic hair has to go too.” Lynn was right of course. And the three sisters knew they would not be able to stand it very long being different. Once their mind was set to it, the clipping itself was pretty uneventful. The clippers were very effective, and reduced the two heads to stubble in only a few minutes. Clipping most of the girls’ pubic hair proved pretty erotic. The vibration of the clippers brought both sisters near a climax. The three sisters hopped in the shower together as they used to do often, before they each got their own place. They had fun with the razors, and they laughed at the sight of the bald heads and pussies. After toweling off, and getting dressed, they looked into the full-length mirror again, and burst into laughter again. Then they hugged and kissed. Lynn went to get the plastic bag again. “Here guys, you have been real supportive, so I got a present for all of us.” From the bag she retrieved three identical wigs, not very unlike the hairdo they had less than an hour ago. Lynn put hers on first, to show it off to her sisters. “You look really cool!” said Marci. And Amy, as she put on her wig too, added: “Maybe we should keep it this way. After all, a wig is so much easier to style and keep clean. Why don’t you come over to my place next Sunday, for another shower and shave?” “Agreed” “OK, let’s do it. But I don’t know about my pubic hair. I always liked it so much.” “We’ll see about that next week.”
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