This Cut’s for Kev
This cut’s for Kev….
I asked my friend Dotty to come over and give my hair a trim, but I ended up with more than a trim. You see this is what happened. Dotty had me sit down in the middle of my room, in the dorm. Dotty had studied to be a hairdresser during the summer in her mothers shop back in Denver. I sat in the chair and Dotty combed my hair straight down. It was a lovely dark red, and hung to the base of the chair, I sat in. I told Dotty to cut only about one inch off, so that the ends would be cut straight across. We got to talking as Dotty skilfully cut the ends of my thirty two inch tresses. I told her that my boyfriend Kevin wanted for me to get my hair cut short. When I asked him how short, he said in a long mannish style. I asked Dotty, if she would sacrifice her hair for a guy. She said that if it pleased him, sure she would. After all it’s only hair. I told her if I permed or colored my hair and something screwed up, then I might cut it, but to chop it off. I’d never be that brave. Sometimes I told her that I wished it were short, but I couldn’t get the nerve to ask a hairdresser to cut it. I just couldn’t form the words. After all, my hair was my hair.
Dotty stopped for a second and I felt her brush my hair starting from the top. Then I felt a pulling and heard a frightening sound. Dotty, my favorite friend, hacked a large hunk of my hair from the back of my head. I screamed and felt where I had felt the pulling. I could feel a large bald spot in the center of my head, at the back. I screamed at her, demanding to know why she chopped a bald spot in my long hair, Tears were in my eyes. Dotty told me she knew I’d never get the guts to cut my hair, so being a friend she decided to give me a shot at having short hair. I turned and saw about twenty five inches of my lovely long red hair laying on the dorm floor. Through my tears I saw years of my lovely tresses hacked from my head. Dotty was talking, and trying to calm me down. She had me sit in the chair. She said that if I wanted she would shorten all the rest of my hair so that I could have a shorter style. I stopped crying, and leaned over and picked up my tresses and held them in my hands. So long, and pretty. But now they’re gone. “Yeah, go for it. Like I have no choice do I, Dotty,” I heard myself say. “Kevin had better like this, or I’ll shave him bald,” I thought.
Dotty said to sit there while she brushed my hair out one more time. The feel of the brush being pulled through my long locks one last time made me sad, but I realized soon, I wouldn’t have to spend all that time trying to dry, and style it. I asked Dotty to bring the large mirror over. I wanted to watch my beautiful long hair get chopped off, and the new me emerge. Kevin came in the door as Dotty was just starting to hack my long hair off. The look of delight on his face was encouraging, as he asked what I was doing. I told him that Dotty went crazy and hack a large hank of my hair off with the scissors, while giving me a little trim. Kevin reached over and picked up a hank of my hair off the floor, and asked if he could have the cut-off hair. I asked him why, then he explained that my long hair was sexy, but me with a short cut would remind him of the love I had for him, If I was willing to give up something so lovely for him. “Yeah sure, he probably has a hair fetish,” I thought. I looked in the mirror, and my reflection looked funny. My long hair was chopped off, at chin length, all around my head.
“Gee, I wonder if I might have made a mistake,” I asked Dotty.
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Dotty said that if I wanted, she would layer the sides so that I had a kind of shag. Kevin spoke up and said, “Go for it, hun.” I looked again at my reflection, and my hair still just hung at one length.
“Yeah go for it Dotty, do what ever you think. If I end up bald Kevin, you better still stay with me. Dotty’s a crazy woman with those scissors,” I said.
Dotty combed my hair back from my face using a large comb. She captured my hair between her fingers and palmed the comb. The The hair was chopped off like a pro. More and more of my hair was cut off emerging soft layers on the side of my head.
When one side was cut off, Kevin said that maybe Dotty could cut the hair up and over my ear, like a guy. Dotty said yeah how about it. I turned my head sideways, my shoulders were full of my cut-off hair. It fell to my lap. I raised my hand up to my head and pulled my hair behind my ears. It looked great, they told me. Like I’d believe them, they’d shave me bald if they got the chance I thought. Yeah, they’re right. The contrast between my fair skin and my rich red hair looked good. “Buzz it!” I said. Dottie cut into my hairline, and followed the hairline over my ear and behind. I looked in the mirror, they were right, I looked good with short hair. Why did I wait so long to cut my hair. I told Dottie to get to work and reduce the other side of my head to the same length. Then Kevin spoke up and asked if he could chop a piece off. Dotty looked at me, and I shrugged, so Dottie passed the scissors to Kevin. He reached up and hacked a large hunk of my hair off near my temple. Dottie tried to stop him before he chopped to much off, but it was too late. Then quickly he started to apologize, but I cut him off.
“Don’t worry Kev,” I said. “Dottie, buzz my hair off short. Real short.”
Dottie asked, “How come?”
I told her, “I’ve got nothing to lose. Kevin likes short hair, you might as well go for it. I know I’ll look good.”
With that Dottie started to slash lock after lock of my hair real close. “Don’t touch my bangs Dot, I want them left long, after all I don’t want to look too wild.”
Kevin spoke up and said that if I wanted, he could ask his room mate for his hand-held clippers. I asked Dottie what she thought. She said, “Well, they will do a better job, and it will look less chopped.”
Kevin left to get them, and returned in minutes with them. I told him to turn them on and pass them to me. With them buzzing in my hand, I maneuvered them up the side of my head. The hair cascaded onto my lap, like rain. My shoulders and lap were filled with hair. What a sight to see. I reached up and felt the strip of hair left by the clippers, one quarter of a inch was all that was left of my long thirty-two inch hair. God, I must be nuts. I passed the clippers to Dottie, she buzzed up both sides of my head and I watched myself get balder and balder. Soon my entire head was buzzed except for my bangs.
Kevin ran his hands over my liberated skull. “Gee how sexy you look,” Kevin said.
I told him, “It’s all your fault. After all if I hadn’t told Dottie of your desire to see me with my hair cut short….well you just wait, and by the way Kevin, don’t be in a hurry to return those clippers, it’s your turn next. Kevin nervously played with my long chopped-off hair, as he raised his hand to his own hair……………..
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