Apprehension XXX
Eve had always wanted to do it. She was shy, she was worried what the others would think. The thoughts of going through with it were terrifying but tantalizing at the same time.
Eve was 23. She was tall, she had shoulder-length, dark brown hair. It was dyed light white in the front framing her face in a vain attempt to look alternative; she had a small nose ring to aid in this effort. She worked at a record store on Broadway Ave. It was a small street in Providence, Rhode Island. She had dropped out of college and was just sort of floating through life aimlessly. Every day she’d go to work, next door to a small salon called “Capelli”. Sometimes before she went to work she would stand in front of the store. She would look at the pictures of the men with super-short buzz-cuts and crew-cuts which the store proclaimed in neon letters were their “specialty”. Once in a while she would get lucky and see a short haircut in progress. She was fascinated with the clippers, the way they could just plow through messy hair and with one deft movement completely restore order, by buzzing it down to near nothingness.
It was Wednesday, around 5 o’clock. Eve’s shift was over. She walked out to her car and did her usual glance at the salon. She did a double-take; she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Clippers were making quick work of a young girl’s tresses. The girl looked like a punk rocker, the kind that look like their parents had given up around age 8. She had bright pink hair, and a metal loop going through her nose like a bull. The stylist, a tall, brown-haired Italian woman had an almost evil grin on her face, as if to say, “I can’t wait till your parents see this.” The stylist held a mirror up to the back of the girl’s half-buzzed head to show her the newly shorn back of her head, covered in pink stubble. The hair was amazingly short. As Eve watched this she became more moist than she had ever been before, she had to lean over and consciously remind herself not to touch herself.
Eve continued watching. The girl shook her head in disapproval.
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“Uh oh,” Eve thought, “I guess the stylist went a little too crazy with the buzzer.” The hair was short, about 5mm long. The stylist seemed to give the girl an unusual look and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, “Alright.” Suddenly the stylist took the black guard off the front of the buzzer. She scraped off all of the hair on the girl’s scalp leaving stubble that couldn’t have been more than 2mm long. The girl’s scalp was clearly visible, and the pink stubble looked more black than anything else. Eve stood dumbfounded. She was not gay, never had even thought about it, but at that moment, she wanted more than anything else in the world to take that girl into the back of that salon, rip her leather pants off and lick her pussy up and down; savoring the juices. She knew the girl had to be just as moist as she was.
The stylist finished up on the girl. She buzzed off all the hair except for one long strand of pink hair, which hung down around the girl’s face. The girl seemed punk rock before, but now was positively a true Punk. The girl walked up to the front along with the stylist and she handed the stylist a twenty-dollar bill, which the stylist refused to take. The stylist got up and walked her to the door, which was locked, and let her out. The girl leaned back, threw her arms around the stylist and kissed her on the cheek and said thanks. The stylist closed the door and locked it, and went inside and started mopping up the pink mess on the floor.
Eve didn’t want the girl to think she was spying, so she lit up a Newport and turned around facing the street, taking a deep drag. The girl bounced over to her playfully.
“Hey honey, can I have one of those please?” she asked, giggling
“Sure… wait a minute, how old are you?” Eve said, half-serious, taking another drag.
“Seventeen. I’ll be eighteen in a week,” she said, lighting up the Newport and taking a tiny puff.
“Nice haircut kid, what would you have got if you won the bet?” Eve said half-seriously to the girl, who started laughing.
“What, you don’t like it?” the girl said. “It’s totally hardcore.” The girl started rubbing her head and blew the pink tuft of her away from her face. “Say, don’t I know you from somewhere? Wait a minute, you work right here in the record store!”
“You got me. So anyway, what’s hardcore mean? That some kind of punk rock thing?” Eve said, trying to look uninterested.
“Nah, blech… eww… punk rock sucks…” the girl started to speak but was interrupted by screeching tires. A conservative-looking woman around 45 got out of a green Jaguar. She had relatively short black hair, very business-looking, in a blue business suit. She opened her mouth wide, completely aghast.
“Hannah, what the fuck did you do to your hair?” the mother shouted at the top of her lungs. The mother stormed up to the girl with tears in her eyes. She grabbed the girl by the shoulders and turned her around to see the full extent of the damage. The mother didn’t say anything she just stood there with her hand over her mouth in horror. “I let you dye your hair pink, I let you get that awful tattoo, I even let you get those piercings, and I hated all of it, but I let you, and you knew I hated it. Why are you doing this to me?” the mother said between sobs.
“I don’t care,” the girl, now revealed to be Hannah, said half-heartedly, looking down at her leather platform boots, which gave her an extra 3 inches of height.
“You don’t care? You don’t care? What am I going to tell everyone, you’re not going to the wedding looking like that! What will your father think?”
“Fuck your stupid wedding, I don’t wanna go anyway, and he’s not my father, he’s just your boyfriend!” Hannah said, starting to tear up. Before she could say anything her mother leaned back and slapped her across the face, knocking Hannah to the ground.
“You ungrateful cunt! You make my life fucking miserable, and I’m still nice to you, and this is the shit you pull right before my wedding.” The mother walked over to the salon window and knocked on it, to get the stylist’s attention. The stylist walked over to the door and unlocked it.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” the stylist said, not even making eye contact.
“I don’t give a shit. What the hell did you do to Hannah’s hair? She is only 17 years old and you make her look like some kind of freak. I sent her here to get her hair dyed back to blonde for the wedding. I have the right mind to…” Before she could say anything the stylist just turned and quickly closed the door and locked it.
“You find somewhere else to sleep tonight, you little bitch.” The car skidded off and Hannah sat there just watching. Eve walked over and picked her up.
“Are you alright?”
Hannah just sighed. “You get used to it, hey you wanna get outta here?” Hannah said to Eve.
“How about I get you back to my place and we get you cleaned up and you can call someone?” Eve said compassionately. They hopped in Eve’s Jeep Cherokee and drove back to Eve’s apartment.
“Thanks for letting me come here. You’re pretty nice. What’s your name again?”
Hannah sat on the leather couch and turned to Eve slowly with a sly grin on her face.
“You wanna get high?” She pulled out a bag of pot and some rolling papers. She started rolling a joint.
“Well, if you wanna… I guess… sure, why not?” Eve said, laughingly. Hannah sat and concentrated on the task at hand. When she was done she stuck the joint in her mouth and asked for a cigarette lighter, which Eve happily provided. She lit up and took a huge hit, holding it as long as she could and passed it to Eve, who did the same. They continued for about 10 minutes and then just sat there, smiling, not caring about the wicked world one bit.
“Sorry about that scene before, my mom’s a real… what’s the word? Super-bitch!” Hannah said, giggling hysterically.
“No problem. So what made you get that haircut anyway? I mean, it really does look beautiful on you, honestly,” Eve said longingly. Hannah’s eyes lit up and she smiled. Eve leaned over on the couch and grabbed the long pink strand and started to play with it. Just then, Hannah’s eyes rolled up and made contact with Eve’s. Then she looked down at Eve’s lips. Hannah closed her eyes, licked her lips and kissed Eve softly on the upper lip. Eve stopped and looked at Hannah. Eve contemplated what to do, she longed to caress Hannah, hold her, kiss her, love her, but she was confused. She was not a lesbian, never had been, but something about this felt right. She leaned in and kissed Hannah, deeply, getting her tongue as far back on Hannah’s as she could. Hannah ripped her “Nine Inch Nails” shirt off her chest, exposing her small supple breasts to Eve. Eve instinctively leaned in and sucked and nibbled Hannah’s nipples.
Eve grabbed Hannah’s legs and flipped her up onto her back. She started to unzip the leather pants, slowly, gently, the longest unzipping of her life. Hannah was not wearing panties and Eve immediately saw her moist, hairy pussy. Eve started licking and lapping it wantonly, alternating between slow and fast licks. She stopped though – it was just too hairy.
“This isn’t going to do. Let me show you what it should be like,” Eve said. She stood up and pulled down her jeans, and panties. She stood on the couch, with her cunt right in front of Hannah’s face. It was completely hairless, and dripping wet. Hannah moaned as she lapped and licked up all the juices she could. Eve started moaning too, she could feel it coming.
“Oh God, oh fuck!” Eve moaned, “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Suddenly waves of pleasure rippled through her body, resonating off every hair follicle in her body. She collapsed, sitting on Hannah’s lap, and leaned in on her shoulder and starting kissing her neck gently.
“Wow, I wanna come like that!” Hannah said. “What’s wrong, you don’t like a little bush?”
“Hell no, it’s disgusting. Here, come with me.” Eve grabbed her by the hand and led her to the bathtub. She turned the bathwater on and started to get Hannah’s pussy wet.
“Are you gonna…?”
“Yep,” Eve said before Hannah could even finish speaking.
Eve put a bit of shave gel in her hand and started rubbing it all over Hannah’s twat. She covered the whole thing, then she started shaving it. Little by little, moving her way in from the outside. Slowly but surely, Hannah was completely hairless down there.
“You know what would be cool, since we got this whole hairless thing going on, me and you? If we just went totally hardcore hair! I really want to.” Hannah blew the tuft of pink hair in front of her face.
“Alright, sounds fun.” Eve reached for an electric razor, but Hannah stopped her. “How about we do it with someone who has a bit more experience?” Hannah started feeling her newly shorn pussy. She gave Eve a passionate kiss and grabbed her hand. She walked her out to the kitchen, both completely naked and dripping wet. Hannah picked up the phone, before she dialed she snapped her fingers and pointed first at Eve, and then to her own pussy. Eve knew what to do right away. Hannah waited with the phone against her head, and Eve ate her out as hard as she could.
“Jess. It’s Hannah. Sorry about that before. Listen, can you do me a favor maybe? I got a friend here, she wants a haircut, I think you oughta meet her. I think you’ll really like her,” she said and giggled. “Alright, 8:00 we’ll be there.”
“Get up cunt!” Hannah said to Eve, sternly. Eve stood up at attention, confused. “Listen, you useless fucking whore, we’re gonna play a little game, your gonna do everything I tell you. Maybe if you do everything right, we can go to the salon, and you can get a haircut,” Hannah said forcefully. “Now get on your fucking knees, and lick me from my toe to my mouth, and you better not miss my twat. NOW!” Hannah had Eve by her long hair, and Eve didn’t have much of a choice. She did it and now was standing face to face with Hannah.
“Get on your fucking knees and eat my pussy more, and stick your fingers in my asshole, bitch.”
“Look Hannah, I think this is a little…” Before she could get the rest of the sentence out Hannah slapped Eve across the face, grabbed her head, forced her down into her pussy and held her face there. She pulled Eve’s hair at the same time, not letting Eve get up. She thrust her crotch in Eve’s face hard, almost suffocating her. Eve wasn’t upset, she liked it and was as moist as she could be.
“Alright cunt, now we’re gonna drive to the salon, grab that and stick it in your twat.” Hannah pointed to a cucumber on the kitchen counter. “If that comes out, there will be no haircut for you. Now let’s go to the car.” Eve stuck in the cucumber, it hurt and stretched her but she didn’t dare cross Mistress Hannah’s orders. Eve walked over to get her clothes from the floor.
“You have got to be the stupidest fucking bitch ever, I didn’t say put your clothes on!” Hannah said, dressing herself. Hannah grabbed the keys. “I’m driving,” she said. Eve crept out her apartment, carefully holding the cucumber in, Hannah holding her by her long hair. Someone opened the door to their apartment and looked out, shocked at what they saw. It was a woman in her late fifties.
“Hello ma’am. This is Eve. She lives in Apartment 26. I’m her mistress now. See that cucumber in her twat? She can’t take that out. She’ll stop by later if you wanna play with her then, I give you full privileges with her. She can eat a pussy like nobody’s business. Isn’t that right, bitch?”
“Yes, Hannah.”
Hannah pulled Eve’s hair harder and said between her teeth, “Call me Mistress Hannah until I say you don’t have to, cunt.”
“Yes, Mistress Hannah.”
The old lady passed out right then, and Hannah laughed her ass off. They got in the car, and Eve still held the cucumber in there. Hannah pulled into the salon parking lot.
“Alright, this is where you get out. Go get a haircut.”
Eve stumbled into the salon. The stylist walked over to her. “Hi I’m Jessica, I take it you want a haircut. Alright, hop into my chair.” The stylist patted the back of the chair. Eve jumped in.
“Alright, what can I do for ya?”
“Well, short I guess, you know, pretty short.”
“No problem.” The stylist put a cape around Eve, covering her naked body. Then she started taking strands of hair between her fingers and snipping away.
“I think you have to go shorter than that. I think that is what Hannah would want,” Eve said, calmly.
“Ok, like how short? Like a boys cut?”
“Something like that.” Jess grabbed the clippers and put on a big black comb guard. She told Eve that she was gonna buzz her on a number 4.
She ran the clippers over her head, and left hair a couple inches long all around. She then took another comb out, and ran it up the sides. Eve stared in amazement at how short her hair had become, she barely recognized herself. Just at that moment, Hannah walked in and sat in a chair.
“Whatta you think of your bitch now, Hannah, good enough?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Do better.”
“You’re the boss.” Jess took the smallest comb and put it on the clippers. “Alright, this is a 1, it’s pretty short. I hope you guys know what you’re doing.” She ran the clippers right down Eve’s scalp and left a trail of 3mm hair right down the center of the scalp. She did that over and over until Eve was 3mm all over her head. Eve rubbed it and was shocked. She started to cry.
“Don’t cry yet honey, we’re not even close to being done,” Jess said, menacingly.
Suddenly Jess knocked the guard off the clippers and said, “Welcome to #0!” She put the clippers at Eve’s temple and buzzed up about 4 inches. She did that all around her head until she had a crown of 3mm hair on top, and was completely bald except for the slightest hint of black stubble on the side of her head. Eve was sobbing, but still refused to get up and leave. Tears ran down her face, and her mascara ran, and she even forgot about the cucumber.
“Hannah?” Jess said questioningly.
“Fuck her, she doesn’t deserve hair.”
“You’re the boss.” Jess flipped a switch on the clippers and said that she was gonna do a #000. She ran it right down the middle of Eve’s hair, and over and over, until there was no hair left on Eve’s head. Hannah sat in the back and smoked a Newport and watched intently. Eve sobbed and wailed as the clippers left not even a hint of hair on her skull. She was now bald.
“I’m… bald,” Eve said with tears in her eyes.
“Almost, not yet. Hannah, would you like to do the honors?”
Hannah walked over to a white machine that dispensed warm lather. She put a large dollop on her hand and spread it generously over Eve’s skull. Eve closed her eyes, afraid to look. Hannah opened up a package of Bic razors and pressed one to the front of Eve’s head. With one fell swoop she removed the cream, and the last things even resembling hair on Eve’s head. She did it over and over, never changing her stern facial expression.
Eve dropped the cucumber, she looked up. She didn’t recognize the person in the mirror, and she was glad. She realized she was someone else now, someone different. She was grateful to Hannah, she liked this new game.
“Well, I guess we’re done.”
“Not yet,” said Hannah. She smeared more lather above Eve’s eyes. She started to slowly remove Eve’s eyebrows. Just then Jess walked in, completely nude, her tall slender frame towering over the other girls. She was wearing some kind of device around her waist – it looked like some kind of dildo.
“Alright, she’s my bitch now Hannah.” Eve was terrified; she didn’t know what was about to happen. “Out of the seat, bend over, on your knees, palms on the floor.” Eve, more naked than ever, and just as confused, hit the ground quickly. Hannah walked over to the window and dropped the curtains.
Eve knew what was about to happen, and she clenched her teeth. Before she even had time to think about it, the strap-on dildo rammed up her ass, and Eve screamed louder than she ever had. The pain was unbelievable, yet felt so good, it was an astounding paradox that confused her. Jess kept ramming her, penetrating her deeply. The dildo had to be ten inches long, minimum. With every thrust Eve yelped and squealed for mercy vainly, knowing she would get none, and was thankful for it. Eventually the screams turned to sighs; the sighs to moans of pleasure. Eve was getting moist again. Suddenly Jess stopped.
“Alright, you’re tough. It’s your turn, do whatever you want, you’re the mistress now.”
Without thinking Eve grabbed Jess by her long curly hair. She grabbed the biggest pair of clippers she could find. She ran them right down the middle of Jess’s hair. Long curls fell onto her bare shoulders. Jess just tilted her head forward and stared at her thighs. Eve wasted no time, and within two minutes, Jess was down to 3mm. stubble all around.
Hannah snuck up behind and kissed Eve on the back of her freshly shorn nape, and grabbed Eve’s tits from underneath. She turned Eve around and kissed her passionately. Eve threw Hannah to the floor and told her that it was her turn. Jess knew what to do, she grabbed the strap-on and started ramming Hannah from behind. Hannah cried out in a high-pitched scream. Eve sat in front of her on the floor spread-eagled, and Hannah stuck her face in her warm, moist, bald pussy.
“Jess,” a voice said as the door opened, “Honey I’m sorry about that scene before, I…” Eve saw Hannah’s mother standing there, eyes arched, her mouth wide open… faint.
“MOM!” Jess screamed.
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