Trophies By Ransom King
I wanted to celebrate making it to the big time on the dance circuit. So, I decided to treat myself to a new “hairstyle” so I stopped at this unusual hair salon that I learned about from one of the dancers at the club I danced at last. Her act was very unusual for an exotic dancer; she changed her hairstyle and color every time she appeared on stage. I thought it was a great idea, a different act and look for every wig. She told me where she had her hair done after I asked her but not before she uncovered her real hairstyle for me. At first it was a very unnerving sight to see her slowly peel the wig from her head. To unveil the fact that she was as hairless as a billiard ball, in a strange way I got very horny over it. The thing was she never removed her wigs while she was on stage but once she was off, off they came. Wanting the same style and an appointment was made.
I arrived at the salon and met by a woman with beautiful black hair; she introduced herself as Heather, as she led me to one of the salon’s private areas.
“Since you are going to be one of my trophies, so to speak, please follow me. I want you to look at some of my other “trophies” you might be surprised who you find among them.”
We stopped in a room where almost everything in was white including a mirrored dressing table, satin curtains. The two exceptions to this color scheme were the red velvet barber’s chair and the ten sets of gold picture frames that hung on the wall and between each set pictures there hung several hanks of hair of different colors. These were, before and after pictures of Heather’s women clients and their hair were her trophies. I was quite surprised to find out who some of her clients were, besides the entertainer that sent me. There were a couple of fashion models and few actresses and a couple of them were porn starlets and a political figure or two.
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“Let me get some before pictures of you before we begin on your new style.”
“Do you mind if I get comfortable first before you take the pictures and start doing my hair?” while I unbuttoned the three buttons of white jacket and once I unfastened them I pulled it off. My large, lovely breasts were supported by a white custom bra. Wasting no time I unhooked the back of it and pulled down the straps and tugged it off my shoulders and tits. The bra joined my jacket on the floor. The white skirt I had worn was soon in the flooring with the rest. All that I had on was a white, lacy, g-string panties. I was going to leave them on.
“Since you have already stripped off most of your clothes, you may as well take the g-string off too. You’ll find the experience much more interesting and enjoyable if you do.”
So, I pulled the panties down my long legs and stepped out of them. They were tossed on the pile of clothes. Heather stared at my pussy and smiled. I had shaved my beautiful pussy smooth, an hour before coming to the salon; I was naked and ready.
“Since you want me to style your hair while you are naked, then we will use the bed, instead of the chair,” she said as she pulled the curtains open to reveal a huge, heart-shaped bed. Walking over to the bed, I seated myself on its edge and waited for Heather to make the first move but it wasn’t the one I was expecting at this point.
Heather leaned over and whispered, “I going to have a few surprises for you during your haircutting; I’m going to reveal to you why I love shaving women bald, so here’s the first one.” As she straightened herself up.
Heather pulled open the white barber’s jacket to reveal she was completely hairless from the neck down, just like mine. The next thing she did shock me but it shouldn’t. I should have been use to seeing this sight, after all I had been seeing a similar spectacle on a nightly bases for the last week at the nightclub where I had been performing. She pulled off her long, black hair, Heather was bald.
“I am naturally bald,” she explained as she rubbed her hands over her smooth, naked pussy and head,” I have a rare disease, alopecia totalis, that doesn’t allow me to grow hair anywhere on my body or head. That is why it’s a thrill for me to shave off a woman’s lovely crowning glory. It makes me feel so much better about myself. Don’t get me wrong I love being bald but I love it even more when I help a long hair beauty, like you become a smoothie like me. So let’s get started.”
While I was sitting on the edge of the bed, Heather picked up a camera and took the before pictures of me. She took several photos with me doing several poses, each showing off my gorgeous body and brushing my lovely blonde locks for the last time; all I wore during this photography session was a single strand of pearls. Then we were ready to start my styling and initiate me into the world of the hairless.
“Scissors or clippers?”
“Clippers, they will be faster and less traumatic for me.”
Going over to the chair and the table beside it Heather picked the things she would need to do my hair, a pair of gold plated hair clippers and a towel. While she was doing this I turned and faced the mirrored dressing table. In less than a minute she had returned to the bed and was kneeling behind me.
“Here we go,” she said as the battery-powered clippers were flipped on. The clippers mowed a path down the center of my head. Heather held the sheared blonde locks high above both our heads, this was her trophy to displayed later on the wall with her others. There was no way to save my hair because of the way my bald beautician made the first sweep. All my snowy blonde hair would have to be cut down to a crewcut but I was going way beyond that, I was going for smooth. Heather got up from behind me and when to the vanity and set her trophy on it and returned to the bed.
She stood on the floor, in front me this time. Her hairless quim was inches away from my face, it was growing wet with excitement of things to come. Heather resumed her work with the clippers. Every time she pulled my head forward my face was buried deep in her beautiful bald pussy. We got into a rhythm doing this. So every time my head I was pulled forward I tongued her exposed clit, exciting both of us. After five minutes of this she had me clipped down to stubble and I had her hot and horny and ready for anything.
Heather had to release the sexual tension I had caused her. I was pushed back on the bed, which was covered with my shorn snowy blonde locks, as she climbed on top of me then she straddled me. Feeling her strong hands take my close-cropped head and pull it to her bald pussy I gave no resistance to them.
“Finish eating me out, make me cum. Then I will finish what I started with you. Do it now!”
I was in not position to argue with her after all I did start it. My tongue went inside Heather’s smooth, pink, moist slit and found her clit. I wiggled my tongue on it and nipped it. She bit her lower lip to hold back the moans of pleasures from the face fucking I was giving her. Finally Heather came, her warm tangy juices flowed from her hairless snatch onto my tongue and into my mouth, as she did she screamed. Heather could no longer contain the waves of delight.
“That was wonderful. I’ll have to return the favor sometime. Now let me finish doing your hair, or what is left of it.”
We both go up from the bed; I brushed my hair off into the floor while Heather went to the vanity and retrieved the shaving foam and a gold straight razor. I repositioned myself on the edge of the bed in a kneeling position. Walking back to the bed, my bald barber shook up the can of shaving foam.
Once there I heard the spraying sound of the shaving cream leaving the gaily-colored metal cylinder, going into Heather’s hand. She applied the white foamy to my cropped head and spread it over my scalp. It felt great to have my head massaged with the lather and Heather’s strong hands. My skull was ready to feel the bite of the razor’s edge.
Watching in the mirror, I saw, my barber caressing her breasts a few seconds with the foam still covering her hands. Picking up the towel, she wiped her hands clean and left the lather on her large jugs. Taking the straight razor, Heather opened it and began to use it. First she scrapped away some of the foam from the front of my head and cleaned the blade on the towel. Next she shaved some of the lather off her tits. This strange trade off shaving went on for some forty minutes before she finally had my head and her own breasts shaved smooth. Heather wiped the excess lather from my smooth scalp.
“All done. How do you like it?”
“It’s marvelous, but I can’t believe I really did this head shaving for my career.”
As I knelt on the bed facing the mirror, I admired and felt my beautifully shaved head for the first time but it wasn’t going to be the last. I was getting myself off as I rubbed my right hand over shaved pussy and my left on my slick head.
After Heather had finished shaving my head smooth; she went to the vanity and open one of the drawers. She pulled from it, a double headed dildo that was two feet long.
” I have another surprise for you,” as she greased the flesh-colored piece of hard rubber walking toward the bed.
Climbing on the bed she pushed me down on the satin sheets and spread my legs. Heather inserted half the rubber dildo in my naked smooth crack and the other half in hers as she leaned back on the bed.
“I, oh-ah, have, oh yes, another, ooh, surprise, ummmm, for you,” Heather moaned and gasped as we drove the double head dildo in and out of our hairless pussies. Our juices flowed down the pink shaft as we both reached our climax. Stretching for something behind the head of the bed, she pulled open a hidden door.
“This is my ultimate trophy case and this is where your prized snowy blonde locks will reside, along the side my own black hair. You see, I lied to you about having alopecia totalis, a razor caused my hair loss just like it did yours. I just love to shave my head and any other woman who have the desire to be shaved, bald too but I really love it when I do blondes, like you.”
Looking up I saw her before and after pictures and a hank of ebony hair, which must have been five feet long. There were two empty spaces in the case, these held the gold clippers and the straight razor that shaved my head smooth and kept Heather hairless as well. We satisfied ourselves for over an hour with the dildo until we were exhausted.
Once we were done, Heather led me to a shower so we could wash the sweat from our perspiring smooth bodies. We lingered in the hot flowing water for ten minutes before getting out. It was time for the after photos to be taken. Sitting in the barber’s chair, I posed for my photographer so she could get the best shots of me showing off my bald head. After the session was over, I got dressed and paid Heather. I also promised I would be back in a week for a touch up and to see how well my photos turned out ones with me having hair and after ones with me showing off my baldness. One week later:
I came back just in time to see another woman, a redhead, take the chair just as I had; she was having her head shaved just like Heather and women in her photos. By the time Heather finished with her, she would be a skinhead and not a redhead and enjoying it. I waited and watched until she was finished with her. Then Heather showed me the photos, they were great. The shaving of my head has changed my life and career but it wasn’t the way I was expecting, it has made me a super star on the strip circuit not your “average” busty stripper either. Who would have known being bald would make me a megastar in both dancing and modeling? My thanks go to both the bald stripper in the club, later I learned she was Heather’s cousin, and Heather herself.
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