Shave and a Haircut – Two Bits
Shave and A Haircut–Two Bits – BladesRule
Like many women, I love to change my hair. I’ve tried just about every style and color imaginable on my hair. Every two weeks, I pay a visit to the beauty salon to try something new. I’ve worn my hair curly, straight, long, short, crimped, sculpted, and punked-out. I’ve been a redhead, a blonde, a brunette, and almost any other natural shade. And when my hair was misbehaving, I had two pretty wigs that I wore from time to time, a short curly red one and a shoulder-length blonde one. I’ve enjoyed lots of different looks and styles over the years, and I thought I’d done it all with my hair until a recent trip to the salon, when I experienced the haircut of my life.
I had recently broken up with my boyfriend, and my life was in a rut. I was totally bored with myself, and I wanted to try something different with my hair. I didn’t have anything specific in mind, but I knew I wanted something a little risqué.
I frequent a unisex salon, and as I sat in the lobby waiting my turn, I watched this really cute guy in the first cubicle in front of me having his head shaved. The stylist kept running the electric clippers over his head, removing every inch of hair. I began to squirm around in my chair as I got really turned on watching this gorgeous guy being shaven bald.
A few minutes later, the stylist lathered the guy’s head with gel and shaved his head smooth with a razor. The guy was kinda tall and stocky, and he turned out quite handsome without hair. He looked almost like a god–he was the sexiest man I’d ever seen! By the time the stylist finished shaving his head, my panties and pantyhose were soaking wet around my crotch.
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I caught the guy’s eye as he paid for his haircut at the counter. As he walked toward the door, I smiled and said, “You look adorable.”
“Thanks,” he replied. “I’ve always wanted to try this. I feel very naked…” He gave a sweet little smile as he exited the salon.
I still had to wait for another girl to have her hair done before it was my turn. I tried to decide what I wanted to have done to my hair, but I couldn’t get that guy off my mind. I tried to imagine how he must feel now, being completely hairless. Then I started wondering how I would look with no hair. It was a really kinky idea, but I was actually considering having my own head shaved! At the time, my hair was dishwater blonde, and fairly short, so I figured it wouldn’t take long for it to grow back if I didn’t like it, and I could simply wear my wigs in the meantime until my hair grew back. I thought about it long and hard for nearly 20 minutes, and I just couldn’t resist the idea. After much consideration, I decided to have my head shaved!
My stylist, Colleen, thought I was drunk when I told her what I wanted. I had a hard time convincing her that I really wanted to be shaved, but she finally agreed to do it. She gathered her materials together as I sat down and took a long last look in the mirror. I was both nervous and excited over what was about to take place. Colleen wrapped the cape around me and turned the chair away from the mirror and said, “Are you sure you want to do this? Once I start, there’s no turning back.”
“I’m positive,” I replied. “Let’s do it.”
On went the electric clippers, and Colleen took a swipe at my hair, and a huge clump fell down to my lap. I felt a tingle go through my whole body as the clippers ran over my scalp. I was a strange feeling as my hair began coming off, but I was thoroughly enjoying it. Colleen continued shearing away for several minutes until she removed the bulk of my hair. She dusted me off and looked me over.
“You know,” Colleen said, “I shaved another girl recently who was about to undergo chemotherapy for cancer, and she didn’t look all that pretty bald, but you don’t look half bad, honey.”
This made me even more excited as Colleen applied shaving gel all over my head. My panties and hose were sopping wet by this time as she gently shaved my scalp with short razor strokes, which seemed to take forever. She lathered my head a second time and shaved my head smooth, then coated my scalp with baby oil to moisturize it.
“All done!” Colleen proclaimed. “You know, you look really good, honey–even prettier than Demi Moore!”
I took a deep breath, and turned to face the mirror with my eyes closed. I ran my hands over my now- hairless head, and it felt as soft and smooth as my rear end. I opened my eyes and was nearly floored by my new look. “Oh God, look at me! I’m really bald!” I exclaimed. “It’s gorgeous!” I looked like a totally different person without my hair, and I loved it. My head was beautifully round, with no lumps or dents. I was astounded at how pretty I looked. Some of the other stylists gathered round to inspect my new look, and they all approved.
Colleen smiled and said, “Well, do you like it?”
“I love it!” I cooed. “It feels so strange, but I love it!” I examined my new profile as well as the back of my head with a hand mirror, and I was tickled to death with how I looked. I was now a completely bald woman, and it felt strangely wonderful.
As I paid Colleen for her services, I managed to get the phone number of that gorgeous bald guy who inspired my new ‘do.
When I emerged from the salon, the wind hit my shaven scalp and sent another buzz through my body. I felt so sexy as I walked along in my pretty blue dress, white pantyhose, and blue pumps with 4-inch heels–totally bald! People stared as I strutted over to my car, but I didn’t care. My hair was completely gone, but I felt more like a woman than ever.
When I returned home, I went straight for my bedroom mirror, and just stared at my new look for the longest time. I then tried on several of my favorite outfits to see how they looked on me now that I had no hair. Some of them didn’t look quite right anymore, but others looked even better now that I was bald. I then tried on both of my wigs again, and realized that they were a little too big for my head without my real hair underneath them. It was fun taking them off and seeing my now-hairless scalp each time. I never would have dreamed that I would be having this much fun being bald.
Later that afternoon, I summoned up the nerve to call the guy I saw at the salon. I told him who I was and asked him if he was single. To my surprise, he was, and I asked him if we could meet again sometime. He said his name was Victor, and that he was flattered by my invitation, so we made arrangements to meet for a drink that evening.
I was so excited as I prepared for our little rendez-vous. I wore my favorite red mini-dress, which flares out at the bottom, sheer black pantyhose and red pumps. I chose my red wig with its short little curls, and took my time styling it to make it look like natural hair.
We agreed to meet at a lounge just a few doors down from the hair salon in the same strip mall. Victor and I arrived at the same time, and he looked so very handsome as he accompanied me inside, sporting a nice shirt and dress slacks, with his shiny bald head dominating his appearance. “I almost didn’t recognize you at first,” he said. “They did quite a job on you at the salon.”
“They sure did,” I grinned mischievously. “I appreciate the compliment.” Little did Victor know what I had really done to my hair!
We got to know each other over drinks and dinner, and were really hitting it off. It turns out that Victor had just broken up with his girlfriend, and he was on the rebound too. He said he was bored with himself, and wanted a new image. He’d been wanting to shave his head for some time, but was afraid his girlfriend wouldn’t like it. I was quickly falling in love with Victor, and he seemed to be enjoying my company as well. We talked for an hour or so, and then he invited me to dance. We danced to a fast song, then a slow one came on and he took me in his arms and we slow-danced. I was in heaven with his arms around me as we danced, and he was a perfect gentleman the entire time.
We returned to our booth and talked some more. “So how do you like being bald so far?” I asked.
“It’s really neat,” Victor replied. “I’m not quite used to it yet, but I like it. I feel kinda sexy without hair.”
“You look sexy without hair,” I smiled. “Tell me something–do you think I’d be sexy with my head shaved?”
“Hmmm. Maybe,” he said. “The only woman I’ve seen do it is Sinead O’Connor, and she’s beautiful. Why do you ask? Are you thinking about shaving your head?”
I grabbed Victor’s hand, gave him a devilish grin and said, “Well, actually, I have to admit something to you. I’m wearing a wig–this isn’t my real hair.”
“It isn’t?” he said. “But I thought you had your hair done today–No, you didn’t…”
“I did!” I smiled. “I had my head shaved right after you did!” I then tugged at my wig and slowly removed it from my head, revealing my glorious bald head to Victor. He was completely dumbfounded.
“Holy cow!” he exclaimed. “I don’t believe this! You’re bald!” What prompted you to do this?”
“You did!” I explained. “The sight of you having your head shaved–It seemed like a really sexy thing to do, and I just couldn’t resist trying it. Do you like it?”
“Yes I do,” Victor said as he reached up to feel my scalp. “I just can’t believe you did it!” He pulled me close to him and we kissed for the first time. Soon, his hands were all over me, and I invited him back to my place. When we got there, I practically ripped my dress off while Victor took off his clothes. Soon we were making mad passionate love in my bed. We woke up in each other’s arms in the morning, with the sun shining off our newly-bald heads.
Victor is far and away the best lover I’ve ever had, and the sweetest man I’ve ever known. He asked me to marry him, and when we get married, we both plan to walk down the aisle totally bald. Not quite the way I pictured myself to look in my wedding photos, but I’m looking forward to it. And it’s all because of that fateful day at the salon. I wonder what my life would be like if Victor hadn’t gotten his head shaved that day. Pretty dull, I have a feeling.
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