When I was in grade school I started taking a casual interest in the hair of my fellow classmates. I would notice the length, color, how it was styled, all the things that are expected from a girl in the fifth grade. My friends and I made a unwritten pact, that all of us would let our hair grow as long as possible and so long as our moms didn’t mind. There were six of us in our group, myself (Deb), Debbie, Linda, Kathy (the Red) and Annette. We all started the pact with fairly long hair ( you also have to remember that at the time we were only 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall ) between shoulder blades and mid back. Myself and Debbie were blondes ( hers was lighter ). Linda was a brunette, Kathy had a mass of red curls that had to be seen to be believed. Annette, being half Japanese had beautiful shiny jet black hair that was as straight as straight could be.
All through fifth and sixth grade our hair grew and grew, slowly but steadily passing our elbows. We all kept it trimmed neatly so the growth although steady was slow. Upon entering seventh grade we noticed a new girl in our class and she had a tumble of auburn waves just below her shoulders. What was so striking about her was her eyes, they were steel blue, so blue in fact that the color was difficult to see in daylight. We made friends with her (Fran) and clued her in on our pact, which she was delighted to participate in. By seventh grade we were starting to have feelings (puberty) and when we slept over each others houses, fairly often, I would love to play beautician and do everyone’s hair. It got me excited but I didn’t know it !
As was the style in the late 60’s hair was worn long and straight. Straighter was better so we had Annette iron our hair with a damp dish towel to protect our hair. This worked very well and soon our super straight hair was bouncing off our waists as we walked down the streets with our bell bottom hip huggers on.
The summer of 67 was a hot one and we all thought about getting sheared. We talked about it on several occasions on sleep overs I even went once to get a pair of scissors and tease the others about cutting it all off while they slept. They finally ganged up on me and actually had my hair inside the scissors before we all started laughing. I was never more excited in my life, it gave me goose bumps to think of me getting my hair slashed off at my neckline.
Well we all made it through the summer hair intact except that Fran let me do a thin braid on her nape, the braid went to her waist and she let me snip it off! It turned out that she had the same fetish but kept it secret until the ganging up on me party. She told me that she would love to layer then set my hair to get it very curly and wavy then cut it off one curl at a time. WOW !!! I went ballistic, just the thought made me wet. Fran and I had a special relationship from then on.
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In eighth grade we had to decide on where we wanted to go to high school, this was traumatic for us since we were best friends for so long. We decided to stay together and go to an all girls Catholic high school, this school was well known for giving a good education to its students. We applied and all of us were accepted!! We went up to the open house to see the school and they had a lot of fine teachers and equipment, what we didn’t notice were the upper-class girls that were escorting us around. If we did I think we would have changed schools but when we found out it was too late.
During the spring and summer we anticipated starting high school, we got our summer reading list (Animal Farm, 1984, The Scarlet Letter) we read in earnest while keeping our hair braided since it was now really too long to wear down except for playing with and at the beach. We spent most of the summer at the ocean, Fran’s parents had a house near the beach. Our hair continued to grow through the summer. Kathy’s hair was very curly but it still was down to her waist, Annette’s was so long she could sit on it, as was Fran’s and Linda’s. Debbie’s and mine was down to mid butt. We would have fun braiding it, sometimes we would braid it together with another girl’s and the braid would be very thick and interesting looking with blonde, red and auburn strands going through. For some reason this summer we paid more attention to our hair than at other times. We would wash each other’s and dry and style it, no more ironing. We started experimenting with sponge rollers and tight thin braids to get volume. We trimmed each other’s tresses so that the line was absolutely straight. We brushed and brushed for maximum shine. We thought we looked magnificent each with our own color and shine bouncing off our butts as we walked on the beach teasing all the guys. We would all brush our hair on the beach letting the wind catch the locks as it blew like flags.
Over the course of the summer we spent so much time at the ocean that our hair got lightened from the sun. Debbie was now almost platinum. I was a medium-light ash. Annette’s hair had some red highlights. Kathy’s turned to a beautiful strawberry blonde ( we think she helped it ). Fran’s and Linda’s were several shades lighter with blonde and red highlights. We liked the sun bleached look and it complemented our tans and by mid August we looked like real beach bums. During the summer Fran layered her hair at the bottom. She brushed it all forward over her head and fastened it at her eyebrows with a clip (we panicked!) she brushed and combed it down and then cut off about 8 inches (I panicked). When she was finished curling it though she had a mass of curls from the small of her back to the middle of her butt. It looked beautiful and Debbie was curious as to how she would look layered. I volunteered to cut it for her but she backed out (rats).
When we got back to reality we discovered that our hair really grew over the summer, even Kathy’s was mid butt. We must have been some sight from behind. Well the summer was too short as usual and we received our mail to report for orientation on the Friday before the Monday when school started. We all got giggly and silly and we decided to have one last sleepover the night before. We washed and set each other’s hair so we would give a good impression to the teachers. We sat under dryers for a while to help the hair dry and also to give a good heat set. The next day we took out the rollers and styled our hair, we looked good especially Fran and Debbie , who also did the layering number on herself. We pulled our hair back into pony tails so the hair wouldn’t get in the way and we were off to what we thought was going to be a normal orientation.
When we arrived at the school we looked for other people we knew but we didn’t see any. What we did notice was that the girls at the table taking names and forms all had short hair (coincidence we thought). It was the Hayley Mills Parent Trap haircut. We thought nothing of it. The new population was split up into homerooms and we proceeded to them (we were still together). We met our homeroom teacher and then after some time a note was delivered and we were all filed into either the cafeteria or the Gym. We didn’t notice who went where since we didn’t know anyone else except each other and we were all here. When we arrived in the caf we did notice that the only ones that were here were the new arrivals with long hair. Some was just below the shoulder and one longer than ours ( another story ). We were told that this was a special group and that we had special instructions to be given. At the head table was a upper-class girl with a very nice haircut just above her collar. When the speaker asked that the student rise and turn around we knew something was up. Then we were told that the student handbook states that no students hair will touch the collar or be teased. We were given until school opened on Monday to get our hair cut into an appropriate style within the lengths allowed.
What a bombshell. Several girls started to cry as did Debbie and Annette. We were told that the salon across the street knew what was expected and it was recommended that we go there. There was much playing with hair especially from Fran and I under the pretence of comforting our old friends and new friends. We all resigned ourselves as to what must be done and I personally was excited about it ! We went to the salon across the street just to look in and they must have been expecting a lot of business since every chair had a stylist at it. Debbie and Kathy went in first and were almost dragged into chairs we explained that we wanted to observe some cuts before allowing our hair to be cut here. Sure enough several girls, eyes puffy and hair long, came into the salon. One that I remember was a girl with auburn hair almost to her elbows, she sat down and just said pixie. It was explained to her that it didn’t have to be that short but she insisted and they complied. Other girls noticed her and thought it would look cute on them too. I have never seen so many girls in a salon at one time they were actually standing waiting to get shorn. I wish I had stayed to watch, it must have been a wonderful sight.
When we left Annette said that she knew a place to get a good haircut and it wouldn’t cost anything. Her uncle operated a barber shop and she used to get her hair cut there when she was a little girl. We decided to have a sleepover on Friday night also since we all knew it would be the last night for hair play, so we played and styled and set each other’s hair until it was late at night. The next morning we helped brush and comb each others hair, Fran’s hair was a magnificent cascade of curls. Debbie’s platinum tresses glowed past her shoulder blades before exploding into curls from her elbows to her butt. Kathy’s strawberry mass was a red waterfall of waves down her back. Linda’s brunette mane was thick and wavy and had a beautiful shine from brushing. I let Fran fix my hair since I knew she liked doing it. I gave into temptation and the night before and let her layer it at the bottom. This gave an explosion of curls on my butt. Annette just sat by herself brushing her hair for the last time making sure that it was as sleek and shiny as it could be. Annette’s mom called her brother and told him that the girls were coming over and that they needed haircuts for the high school. Before we left I was playing with Frans hair Frans hair and she with mine and we both wished we had scissors to fulfil our fantasies especially since we knew it would be the last time our hair would be this long.
Annette led us to the barber shop and as we entered Annette’s Uncle gave her a big kiss and hug as he led her to the chair. Annette whispered something to her Uncle to which he shook his head and said he was going to call her mom. He did and came back and said okay to her. Remember that Annette’s hair was the longest – it had to be practically mid thigh. When she sat in the chair there was only about a foot of space between her hair and the floor. He wrapped the cloth around her neck and combed out her hair with a center part he asked her something else and she nodded. With that he grabbed the clippers and dove into her nape and wasted no time in clipping her glory off, thirty-seven-inch lengths of shiny black tresses were lying on the floor getting stepped on and dirty. He changed to scissors and proceeded to blend in the hair on top of her head to the sides and back. She was getting a bowl haircut, just like she got when she was a little girl. She was left with 2 inches of crown hair that went down to a 1/8 inch nape. I almost orgasmed (if I knew what that was).
Debbie decided to go next, just seeing her in the chair with that platinum bounty hanging over the back of the chair was almost too much for me. She picked up her locks so that the cape could be attached then let them fall, a wonderful sight. Debbie decided on a chin length bob. So he parted her hair in the center and combed it even all around her head then with his scissors he cut her bangs to the bridge of her nose and the rest of her hair was snipped off just above her shoulders. The blonde curls falling slowly and silently in long streamers to the floor mixing with the rest of the black hair from Annette. Once again the long clean hair from Debbie’s head was getting stepped on and crushed. When he had the bulk of the length was removed he took the clippers and cleaned up the back by shaving it clean up under the back hair. She looked beautiful as ever with her new cut.
Fran was next, she handed the barber a picture and her reluctantly agreed. She sat in the chair he fastened the gown and just briefly combed her hair. We had no clue. He lifted her tresses and cut them just below her ears the auburn hair just falling off her head in waterfalls. Linda went next she followed Fran with the bob but she wanted it to the center of her ear. Her brunette locks fluttered down to the floor where they mixed with the others. She wanted one-inch bangs. She looked very nice.
Kathy had a problem, when her hair is cut in a bob it sticks out because of the natural curl. The only thing she could do was get it cut in layers and she proceeded to get her flaming glory reduced to a three inch length all over. It would be easy for her to take care of, she could just wash and comb it straight back and it fell into wonderful waves.
I was next, my blonde hair caressing my butt and hips for the last time, the curls so lovingly placed by Fran about to get shorn off. I almost asked for a crew cut but chickened out, I should have gotten it, I asked him to cut it to three inches all around just like Kathy’s. He obliged and proceeded to cut all my hair off to the width of his hand, I could see the hair being cut in the mirror and the crunch of the blades near my ears. When I looked up I saw myself with three inch hair on one side and my full length on the other. I watched my 3 foot tresses slide silently off my head and shoulders and onto my lap and the floor, he finished me up with the clippers in the back and around the sides to clean up the line.
This is how my fetish came to bloom, more to follow.
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