Three in an Erotic Hair Fantasy
Three in an Erotic Hair Fantasy – White Stamp
There was I, standing before the door, with a piece of newspaper in my hand. It was the first time I had ever answered a newspaper ad. But this was the most unusual ad I had ever seen. It tickled my curiosity and my fantasies saying: “Young couple looking for young female for erotic hair fantasy. Preference will go to long-haired ones. Good cash.”
I’m a 21-year-old student who’s beginning to enjoy every adventure life puts in my way. Besides, I have auburn, thick and almost waist-long hair longing for some adventure. And it seems a great idea getting some good money also. I’m in my summer vacations and can’t wait to check this ad out. I hardly finish my soda and rush to a phone booth. It takes a while before anybody answers my call. I’m about to give up, very disappointed, when a gentle female voice answers. I say I was answering the newspaper ad and was looking forward to join them in their fantasy. But, first, I would like to meet them and put everything straight – to avoid extremely kinky situations. They also wanted to see me and check if I fitted in their fantasy. We settle to meet late in the afternoon, at Timmy’s, a charming cafĂ© downtown.
I go home, take a shower, wash and blow dry my hair. It looks great this afternoon – it is shiny and soft – and I decide to wear it down, dancing around my body. One look at the mirror, and soon I’m ready to go.
I arrive ten minutes late and they are already there. They match the description she made on the phone. They are about 30-something and good-looking. She is not very tall and has a great figure. Her blonde hair is short and modern. He is a tall and strong man. His arms are muscled and he is well dressed. All my worries seem to have vanished. They look normal and it is very easy to imagine a special fantasy with both.
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She does most of the talking. But we hardly talk. I tell them I won’t agree with any physical torture or similar procedure that could hurt my body. They assure me it is not part of their plans. As we talk, I can notice that both are staring at me, imagining my body and checking my hair. Finally they say the reward for that “unforgettable erotic adventure”: $4,000. But before I can say anything he says firmly: “but only if you go all the way, without backing out.” I answer: “As long as I don’t get hurt, I’ll be in your hands, completely.” They smile. It is settled: the next afternoon I would join them at the address she wrote in the newspaper ad I brought with me. Curiously, before saying goodbye, both of them manage to touch my hair, subtly. I smile.
That night I could hardly sleep. My imagination went round and round as I tried to figure what would happen the day after. I had their image in my mind, but I couldn’t go farther than that. I could hardly wait until tomorrow. I didn’t tell any of my friends about this adventure. They would probably try to talk me out of it. And I didn’t want it. I wanted to go all the way, whatever way it would be. My thoughts rushed through my mind until I got tired and finally slept. I had no dreams that night.
The next day finally arrived. I prepared myself and left for the great adventure. It wasn’t hard to find the address. Before ringing the bell, I took a deep breath and looked one last time at the ad.
He opened the door and gently asked me to come in. It was a big loft with minimalist decoration. She came to greet me and both took me to one part of the loft where there was only one small table with a lamp and a single flower jar, and a kind of Japanese bed close to the floor. He began unbuttoning my shirt, while she caressed my hair. He helped me taking my shirt off and began to undo my bra. He stayed at my back touching, smelling and holding my hair close to his face.
With gentle moves, she started to take off my pants. I began helping them to undress too. Soon the three of us were completely naked. Three beautiful bodies touching each other.
They took me to the Japanese bed. He sat close to my head while she began kissing my belly. He took a brush and brushed my hair with slow moves, enjoying each time the brush ran through my long silky hair. She opened my legs revealing the dark, thick, big triangle of hair I had between my legs. He stopped brushing my hair for a minute to look at the mound I had covering completely my pussy. I began to get hot. So did they. She ate my hairy pussy with hunger. First she licked it slowly, tasting every inch of it. Then she worked with her tongue and sucked my hidden clit. Now, she could drink my excitement. He enjoyed watching it, while he played with my hair, my nipples and his cock. She grabbed a small pair of scissors and began to cut my pubic hair gently. The more she cut, the more excited I got. She then chose to use the clippers. It vibrated around my pussy making it pulse strongly. Soon my pussy was covered only by a velvet of 1/4-inch hair. I was delighted. He passed her the shaving cream and the razor. She caressed my velvet pussy and then covered my pubic area with foam. Slowly and carefully she slid the razor. I caressed his hard cock, while he enjoyed watching her shave my pussy clean and smooth. As she finished, she cleaned the remaining cream with a damp towel. My pussy was now completely smooth and very sensitive. I had never shaved it before, not even trimmed my pubic hairs. What a great sensation! Even better when she began eating it again, now a bald pussy. I was hot, hot, hot and sucked his cock while she licked all my juices.
Now they change places. She goes to comb and brush my hair while he penetrates me with his ultra hard cock. It feels wonderful. He moves and moves over me and I feel him completely. He then turns me around and fucks my behind while she rubs my hair against her wet clit. I lick it and eat her also shaved pussy with pleasure. They change places once more. I keep standing on my knees and hands. She rushes to my naked pussy like a mad dog and devours it again. He now brushes my hair from the back of my neck towards the bed where my long hair lies. While she gets a dildo to introduce in both of us, he grabs a pair of scissors. He breathes faster and cuts one small part of my hair. I try to say “no”. It was an instinctive reaction but he held the scissors firmly continuing to cut my hair. Then I relax, watching the hair fall over the bed. He then takes the clippers and put a 1/2 inch attachment. I tremble and get wetter. He begins to run the clippers by my nape and by my sideburns. The hair keeps falling and I feel an extremely good sensation. He begins to work through the top of my head, while she caresses the 1/2-inch velvet that’s now covering my nape. I suck his cock while he finishes clipping all my hair. I can’t believe it! Now my beautiful, long and healthy hair is history. It lies on the bed and around his lap and cock. He finishes at the same time he explodes in my mouth. I drink his hot happiness.
She gets the cut hair, smells it and rubs it against her entire body while he takes a warm towel and puts it around my head. I’m sitting now and she is caressing my firm breasts. He takes the towel and begins covering my head with shaving cream. An “oh!” escapes from my mouth. I don’t know if it was of regret or excitement. He runs the razor through my head, shaving it smooth. After he finishes, it’s her turn to cover my head again with cream and shave it, to make sure not a bit of hair remains on my head.
As soon as she finishes, she stands up and begins rubbing her pussy against my completely bald head. I can see she is more excited then ever. Her juices wet my freshly shaved head. I feel out of this world!
Now she slides her pussy down to my mouth, while he licks what she left on my head. I masturbate him. Then they both lick my head at the same time. At the grand finale, I’m eating her pussy as she eats mine. He fucks me from behind while he caresses my smooth head. Our orgasms explode and the three of us lie down in ecstasy.
It sure was an adventure to remember for the rest of my life. As I walked away from that sanctuary I never got to see them again. I walked home as if I was sleepwalking. The flashes of that erotic ecstasy speed through my mind. I wonder if I will ever feel more pleasure in my life. I smile and dream…
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