Tagged: Lactating

Surprise for Robert

A Surprise for Robert

My wife’s hair is considered long by her stylist, it reaches the middle of her back, but lately she has be complaining that it is old looking. She wants to



Colleen was nine years old when she first discovered her true feelings, longings and desires for hair and all its offerings.

The summer of her ninth year, the day after

Incoming Mail

Incoming Mail by Gloria Klien

The following is a transcript of an E-Mail received 130299 by GloriaLK

Hiya G-L-O-R-I-A. Remember me, Chrissie… Boston, that little bookstore yo

Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi, or Easier Money (The second part of the Easy Money trilogy) by English Rose and Sean O’Hare

The phone started to ring just as I got indoors after my daily run ro


The Witness

Kelli peered into the mirror as she brushed her long, thick hair. She guided the brush in smooth, even strokes through her dark-blonde mane again and again, long afte

Curse of Baldlock Hall

The Curse of Baldlock Hall by Sabrina S.

It was the kind of wedding you only read about in books or see in movies. Despite the capriciousness of an English spring, the sun shone

Kim’s Punishment

Kim’s Punishment By Tony Angelo

It was the summer of Kim’s senior year of high school. Kim had just turned 17 years old: she had been dating the quarterback of the school’s footb