Time for a Change


A few months back, a beautiful woman named Angela joined our company as my department’s new supervisor at the bank I work for. In her mid-30s, Angela has a very pleasant demeanor,

Making of a Slave

The Making Of A Slave – Pageboy

I had recently returned to work after 18 months off to have my second child. I had been returned to second in charge of a group of 16 men and woma

Gina’s Long-Overdue Makeover

Gina’s Long-Overdue Makeover by CuttiSnips

Gina had doe eyes: big, starry and beautiful. Long, blonde hair fell in easy waves below her elbows. It smelled of lilacs and swayed al


Today was to be the biggest day in the life of 7-year-old Lisa Tucker. Today a probate court judge would finalize her adoption by the Madsen family, ending a four-year period of mu

Kristen’s Conversion

Kristen’s Conversion

Kristen’s Conversion – Shearingly

“When it came to the shaving, I savored the moment as long as possible. Jamie was thrilled with my work, and so was I. But soon it was over. Jam

Ash Wednesday

Brushing out her long flaxen hair every morning while waiting at the red-light to change, Phoebe thrilled the hair fetishist whose car usually halted in the line next to her red To

Eve, 1996

Eve 1996

It was Tuesday December 24th 1996.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. It all started off well enough; I’d finished work the Friday before, done all my Christmas

Living Haircut

The Living Haircut by Sabrina S and Sean O’Hare

David Clipperborough cleared his throat, and adjusted for the hundredth time the tiny microphone attached to his lapel. Fortunate

Without Consent

Without Consent by Shorthaironwomenfan

Sarah was a fifteen-year-old girl with regular shoulder length hair, with an average dull blond color. She had never really had a change i

Jill’s Haircut

Jill’s Haircut – Lisa Morgan

Hi again. It’s been some time since I last wrote about my salon work but I’ve just done a super makeover and I just had to share it with everyone. I