Forced Haircuts

Mommy and Stacey


I had just finished giving my four-year-old daughter, Stacy, a bath and washing her hair. I sat on the couch leaning back against the soft

Blonde Bombshell Surprise

Blonde Bomb Shell Surprise by Shannon

Well I did it. I went blonde today. I dropped my husband off at the airport this morning and he asked me why I was in such a good mood. I to

Revenge on a School

The Revenge On A School!

One hot August afternoon, there was a group of girls at a school called Muriel’s School Of Punishment. Mrs. Echoland, a very fat and ugly woman, ran the


Undine by Mobmij

The boss knows what I do. But what the fuck? Who else will work the hours I work for the shit he pays? So he knows what I do. He also knows what I don’t do. No

Day in the Barbershop

South India. The state of Andhra Pradesh. The southern part of this technologically upcoming state. The temple town of Tirumala-Tirupati. Situated in the seven hills that compris

Suzi’s Birthday Haircut

Suzi’s Birthday Haircut

Suzi, my wife of twelve years, has her birthday on Christmas Eve. It is always a challenge to find something special that will separate her birthday from

Rick’s Favour

RICK’S FAVOR by Shornlocks

Doris was still in shock. Her husband had just run out on her and their three daughters after 15 years of marriage. She had barely slept a wink last ni

Encounter in the Malln

An Encounter in the mall… Chapter One – The Salon

I think that I am going to wear just a plain white t-shirt and my well-loved Levi’s cutoffs.

Perhaps the Doc Martens, maybe j

And Baby Makes…

“Speak soft, you’ll wake the baby” •Los Lobos

Seven months of newlywed bliss wasn’t interrupted by the test. Ben grinned as the stick turned blue, Shannon felt her heart skip.


Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo – Vam

“¿Quiere El Presidente,” – the local beer – “señor?”

“Sí, un mas, y mas fria por favor.”

This was the kind of day that I could sit and sip cold beer all da