Tagged: Slut

View from a Dungeon

A View from a Dungeon (part 1) – Astrid Bailey

One of the first things He told me was that He liked dungeons… Was, in fact, trying to find just the right lock for the stocks h

Looking for a Dharma Bum

Looking for a Dharma Bum by Sabrina S. & HeadBoy

The car rolled down the freeway. Carlo held his head out of the rear window, or where the rear window would be if we had one in

Too Hot for Hair!

Too Hot for Hair!

It was only the beginning of the summer and it was already hotter than blue blazes. Janice and I were sitting together in the last class of school, just waiting

Susan Yanase


Susan Yanase was part Japanese, part French, which explained her delicate features, and long, straight, glistening black hair that fell almost to her waist. For Ned Stoner

Another Dani

“Hi. I’m Gerry.”

“Yeah. I know,” Courtney said. “You come highly recommended.”

“Always nice to hear,” Gerry answered as she brushed out Courtney’s curly hair. Curly hair can ofte

Hell No, We Won’t Go

Hell No, We Won’t Go – Franklin Farmer

The judge looked down from his bench at the and sternly read the sentence, his cold steel grey eyes stared into each girl’s eyes. “Disturbi

Favors Returned

Favors Returned by Jim B.

“Coming?” my dear husband, Mike, called to me.

“YES!” I yelled back at him as I closed the front door behind me.

“It was your idea for us to get all d


(Please be aware that I do not wish to offend anyone’s religious sensibilities with this story. I would however appreciate any feedback going – to cestrianclipper@lycos.co.uk)


My Eden

My Eden

This isn’t a mere story, a figment of my imagination, or the product of an overheated pussy. This is autobiography. It’s said that an angel with a flaming sword guards ou