Tagged: Bald

Visit from Miss Protheroe

A Visit from Miss Protheroe by Sean O’Hare

I was amazed. I had really never expected a response. Well you don’t, do you. It’s just the sort of thing you do on the message board,

Snapper and the Clipper

The Snapper and the Clipper by Sabrina S.

This is for my photographer friend who accompanied me to Global Hair Expo. The only thing common between this work of fiction and ficti

Donna’s Unexpected Haircut

Donna’s Unexpected Haircut – Caped Victim

Donna Parker walked down the hallway of Sacred Heart School for Girls. She was being led to her new room where she would meet her new r

Kinky or What

Kinky or What

It was bed time and I had just showered. My wife had pestered me to trim my pubic hair, so while the shower was running, I took the beard trimmer that my wife gave


The Sleepover – by J

We were pubescent girls, embarking upon a world of makeup and boys. Hormones and emotions ran wild in our group of thirteen-year-old girls. The very sight o

Silent Anne

Silent Anne – DLBARGRILL

Kevin was a client who used to come in every six weeks to get his hair cut. He was likable enough, although I felt he spent far too much time talking abo

Anna and the Yardsale

It was Saturday and I was working at the Church yard sale. It was around 10:00 that morning when things had slowed down a bit from the early hectic rush of bargain hunters. A few

My Class Reunion

My Class Reunion – Tiara

High School was never my cup of tea. Going back to attend my ten-year class reunion seemed out of the question, yet something kept me from shredding tha


“These are the rules of the game,” Jenny said firmly, unfolding a sheet of paper and waving it about. At almost thirteen, she was the natural born ringleader of her group. Tall for