Time for a Change

Day I Met Siobhan

The Day I Met Siobhan

It had been about 8 weeks since my last trim. I had noticed the hair around my ears sticking out and Jenny had not cut it very short the last time anyway.

Pam and Kim Join the Swim Team

Pam and Kim Join the Swim Team – James

Here is a little background to my story.

First, my sister Pam. Hair color: brunette, hair length: mid-back, age: 14. Second, her friend K

My Gift and My Reward

My Gift And My Reward. by EddyZ.

“Oh.Jennifer, look. Something for you?” Susan pointed at a poster on the notice board. I looked.

“Attention longhaired girls,” the heading read

Pair of ‘Genes’

A Pair of ‘Genes’ by DPTemplar

The title, as you will soon learn, will try to make sense by the end of the tale. I would like to apologize to Stan Lee, and to anyone at Marvel c

Marie’s Dilemma

Marie’s Dilemma Mistress Janice

Marie was just shy of her twentieth birthday and had moved back into her parent’s mansion. She had a very nasty disposition, which brought about h

Tortoise and the Hair

The Tortoise and the Hair by HeadBoy

Mitch sat on the sofa, drinking a lukewarm Rolling Rock. He loved the green bottle, the way the light shined through it, the way his hand fi

She Asked For It

She Asked For It! Written and Contributed by CullyFerg

It’s always on those quiet, uneventful days that something will happen to you to make a definite turn in your life. Like w

From Sable to Sabald

From Sable to Sabald by Ransom King and Dwight Mullen

Sable found herself stripped naked and bound in a barber’s chair as she woke from a drugged slumber. The drink she had rece

Hair to Spare

Hair to Spare by Cropped Short

Kelly and Darren had been working together for almost two months now. The little billing office managed billing for many small medical clinics in t