Author: Geneva


We came home early from the party because my wife, Jill, wasn’t feeling well. We let ourselves in through the garage and she went straight up to bed. I went to find Susi, the babys

That’s Life

That’s life by Alan

I wasn’t really listening when she said, “We’ve got to talk. Let’s go for a walk,” she said. “We’ll go over to the nature reserve, it’s quiet there.” As we dr

Lisa’s Makeover

Lisa’s Makeover – Anon

She couldn’t believe her luck; Steve had actually spoken to her!

She had been walking towards the homeroom with her friend when Steve passed by going the


Circe By Mobmij

My wife died in January. We had no kids. She was everything to me. After she was gone, I spent a year sleepwalking through life. Then some friends of mine convinc